Category Archives: Knitting

Christmas knitting rethought

I had this idea that I would save lots of money by making gifts this year instead of buying them, and that I would use yarn from my stash instead of purchasing new stuff. But here we are, a few weeks away from Christmas, and I have only one item completed. I don’t think I will get the other 12 done – maybe one or two if I’m lucky, but definitely not 12. I must have been absolutely insane when I thought I would have more free time after the wedding. HA!

I also (foolishly?) told a good friend of mine that I would be able to make a newsboy-style cap for her daughter for less than what she was about to spend on one. I was assuming I could find a similar pattern online for free. Hmmm… I found a few patterns, but none were quite what I was looking for. I think I might have to come up with a pattern of my own. If that fails, I will have to tell her I can’t do it for less, and that she should just go out and buy it (*shudder*).

Here’s the one thing I have managed to finish:

Green Cable Hat

This is the 3AM Cable Hat from Smariek Knits, modeled by my mom. This hat was super easy to make and didn’t take very long. If everyone on my list wanted a hat, I might actually be able to make 12 more before Christmas! 🙂

Now I suppose I should get back to cleaning. And figuring out what we’re having for dinner. And decorating. And writing thank you notes. And researching inexpensive, yet well-intentioned, gifts for my friends and loved ones.